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Seafood cold room

As the name suggests, seafood cold storage is used for seafood, seafood and the like. It is inseparable from the preservation of seafood cold storage in coastal areas. Seafood dealers in inland areas also need to use it. First of all, the difference between seafood cold storage and ordinary cold storage is that cold storage The insulation board should be made of double-sided stainless steel to prevent corrosion, because seafood generally contains heavy salts, and salt is corrosive to ordinary materials. For example, if a general cold storage does not have some anti-corrosion treatment, it will lead to corrosion, holes, etc. in the long term. situation occurs.

Common seafood cold storages are divided into the following four types:

1. Fresh seafood cold storage

Fresh seafood cold storage generally stores some live seafood. The storage time generally does not need to be too long. The temperature is around -5 to 5 degrees. Some are used for retail. They are put in that night and taken out again the next day. Sales, and the purchase volume is small. Generally, there are many seafood markets, including live fish, live shrimps, shellfish, etc.

2. Refrigerated and frozen seafood warehouse

Refrigerated freezers generally store frozen seafood. The storage time is relatively long and the temperature is around -15 to -25. It is a storage-type sales, such as wholesale, retail, inventory, stocking, transfer and other links. There are many kinds of seafood to be stored, and it is suitable for most seafood.


3. Low-temperature quick-frozen seafood room

The temperature of quick-frozen cold storage is around -30 degrees to -60 degrees. The products stored in the quick-frozen cold storage are generally fresh seafood. After 8-10 hours of quick freezing, the basic core temperature of the seafood can reach -30 degrees, and then Transfer it to a refrigerated freezer and store it, and then sell it according to the situation. It is generally used to store relatively expensive seafood products, such as tuna, salmon, etc.

4. Ultra-low temperature tunnel cold storage.

Guangxi Cooler Refrigeration Equipment Co.,Ltd.

Post time: Sep-14-2023